Our Texas Rio Grande turkey hunting is the prime location for Spring Turkey hunts available in the rolling plains of Texas. Our ranches have excellent populations of mature Rio Grande gobblers. Texas is home to over 600,000 Rio Grande turkeys that can be found throughout the state of Texas. The average Rio Grande Gobbler weighs 20 lbs. and has a beard length of 9 1/2 inches and 1 1/8 spur. Exceptional birds may push 25 lbs, sport up to 12 inch beards, and have 1 7/8 inch spurs. Roewe Outfitters hunts approximately 14,000 acres of prime turkey habitat in Knox, Haskell, Coke and Sterling County. You will be hunting turkey in terrain that includes mesquite thickets and crop fields.
Hunting Methods
The guide will place you and himself within "calling distance" of both roost, strut zone, and feeding areas where you will be free to "run and gun" or "sit and stick" depending upon your hunting preference. We can turkey for the first few hours of daylight and then return to the Lodge for a big lunch and a short nap. Late morning and early afternoon can be one of the very best times to hear an adult gobbler "sounding off" to attract a lonesome hen to his side. For the afternoon, it’s back to the "turkey woods" for another few hours of "gobbling action." Hunts can consist of a fair amount of walking and calling to "raise" a bird then setting up on him as the distance between hunter and quarry closes. Hunters may also enjoy success hunting along popular travel corridors between known roosts and both feeding and watering areas. Hunting along ridges can also be productive since hunters are elevated and can better hear distant gobbles. Hunting "pairs" such as husband/wife, father/son, friend/friend, mother/daughter, siblings will be accommodated.
What Is Furnished
Our Rio Grande Spring turkey hunting all-inclusive packages include meals, lodging, care of game, ranch transportation in the field, guides and 2 days of hunting for 1-2 Rio Grande gobblers.
Guided hunts are one guide per two hunters.
Texas Parks and Wildlife & The Rio Grande Turkey
TPWD Technical Guidance biologist's and landowners work together in managing and preserving such wonderful natural resources as the Rio Grande Turkey. Combine this along with lengthy spring and fall hunting seasons, generous bag limits, affordable pricing, mild weather, discounted hunting licenses for "young hunters" and beautiful scenery, help make Texas one of the top "turkey hunting destinations" in North America. Come see why so many Sportsmen, Sportswomen, and Young Hunters alike, enjoy such high success rates while hunting Texas' Rio Grande Gobblers!
Read about one of our hunter's Texas Spring Turkey hunting experiences (Click Here)
So, what are you waiting for? Indulge into an exciting spring Texas turkey hunting experience like never before! Call us today at 325-669-8848 or fill out the online form to learn more about turkey hunting in Texas.